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JUNE 26th 8am – 2p – Kansas City, MO





JUNE 26th 8am – 2p – Kansas City, MO

This workshop will…

  • Show you how to build your fitness portfolio to take advantage of the growing fitness industry
  • Advise/show you how to approach, talk to gym owners and inquire about photoshoots at gym locations
  • Advise/show you how to find, approach, talk to and set up shoots with athletes to build your portfolio
  • Show and talk about hair, makeup, wardrobe and accessories for fitness photoshoots
  • Show you how to work with off camera flash and ambient light indoors and outdoors for fitness photography
  • Teach you how to talk to and pose fitness athletes and bodybuilders, both male and female
  • Show and talk about post production in Lightroom and Photoshop
  • Give tips and tricks for social media and marketing
  • Allow for each photographer to have over an hour and a half of actual shoot time with the fitness models


– There will be 6 fitness pros as your models on set for photographers to shoot with!
– Snacks, drinks and of course, lunch provided
– Everyone will be sent BTS pictures and video from their time at the workshop and Polaroids

Only $499 per person

Maximum 6 attendees

Address: FLEX FITNESS 1536 Burlington St,Kansas City, MO 64116


Plan of the day:

  • 8:00a Welcome, intro, makeup & location talk while models get hair and makeup done
  • 8:30a Talking to gyms, athletes and future clients
  • 8:50a Jason & Heather May – Flex Fitness owners and IFBB Pros
  • 9:00a Posing your model / Working with of camera flash & ambient light
  • 9:45a Exhibition Photoshoot ( 1 male lifting, 1 female lifting, 1 female bikini pro)
  • 10:30a Break and setup for individual stations
  • 10:45a Practice Station #1
  • 11:05a Station #2
  • 11:25a Station #3
  • 11:45a Station #4
  • 12:05p Station #5
  • 12:25p LUNCH
  • 1:00p Social Media tips, tricks & marketing
  • 2:00p Breakdown your gear and good to head out


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